Sunday, November 6, 2016

Laurie's Little Store

Normally today would be the day I would spend recovering from my annual arts and crafts sale in the beautiful garden on Rigg Street.

For several reason that show did not happen this year. I have decided to take this year off from craft sales. I am loving this decision as Facebook reminds me of all the TOFFEE and jam I would have made by now.

Don't despair, I will be making my famous toffee later this week and boysenberry jam is on the list for tomorrow morning.

My body butters, scrubs, bath salts, Celtic soaps and photo-cards, as well as an array of jams and toffee are still available for your holiday shopping pleasure.
Don't forget massage certificates make great gifts too !!

This year you can shop directly from Laurie's Little Store.
Check out what I have and the price list, email me at or call /text my cell ( 831-588-9419) to place your order.

It's good to give me advance notice since some of these items I will be making to order !!
You can also set up a time to come to my office to shop in person.

I hope you will shop locally and reduce your holiday stress.

Carrot Coconut Soup and yes I'm still here...

I do still cook and enjoy it, blogging has just fallen to the bottom of my priority list lately.
The other day I saw some beautiful large carrots at the farmer's market and was inspired to make that wonderful carrot ginger soup... I was moved to modify it a bit and the results were fabulous. I used some of my garlic cilantro butter to saute the onions, then added spices and coconut milk. As I haven't been in the blogging mode lately I didn't document of my changes with photos. It wasn't until I was about to eat the last cup that I even remembered to take a photo.

Here is the recipe from memory.

Carrot Coconut Soup.


1 large onion, peeled and chopped
1 tbsp. olive oil or 1 tbsp. garlic cilantro butter
2 cloves fresh garlic chopped ( if you don't use the garlic butter)
1 tsp. cumin power
2 tsp. Garam Masala or curry powder
6-8 large carrots, stemmed and chopped into large coins.
fresh ginger, sliced
1 can coconut milk
1-2 cups water, you just want enough to cover the carrots
salt & pepper to taste

1) Saute the chopped onion in olive oil or garlic butter until just beginning to soften.
2) Add the spices except the fresh ginger & garlic, saute another few minutes.
3) Deglaze the pan with 1 cup water, stirring to loosen any dark bits of onion.
4) Add the carrots, coconut milk, ginger, (garlic) and  enough water to just cover.
5) Simmer for 30 minutes or until the carrots are soft.
6) Allow to cool before blending. You can remove some of the ginger if desired and add water depending of the consistency you want.
7) Salt and pepper to taste. Yum !!

Today I made a huge pot of vegetable/ minestrone soup, since all the carrot coconut soup is now gone.  Of course, I didn't follow either of the recipes exactly...that's how soup goes.
I made an apple pie from my galas, I  blended and prepared to freeze my last batch of roasted tomatoes.

So that's been my day in the kitchen.