Saturday, August 31, 2013

Kale Pesto and Nourished Point.

Kale, in case you hadn't noticed is all the rage and has been for several years. We are using it in salads, green soups, bean soups, I know people who make it into chips, so why not pesto ?? It's another great way to get those dark, leafy green into our meals.

My dear friend and acupuncturist, Tricia, grows great quantities of curly kale. She always sends me home with a large bag of it.

By the way, Tricia has started her own blog to share her knowledge of nutrition, health and childrearing, it's called Nourished Point. Her treatments are so helpful, I'm sure her blog will be too.

Kale Pesto

1/2 cup toasted pumpkin seeds
3 cloves garlic
1/4 cup parsley
4 cups kale: stemmed and chopped
4 cups basil
juice of 2 lemons
1 1/2 teaspoons salt

pinch of cayenne
1/2 cup olive oil

1) In a toaster oven or cast iron skillet, toast the pumpkin seeds.

2) Wash and stem the greens: parsley, basil and kale. Chop the kale to make it easier to put in the food processor.

3) Peel the garlic and whiz it first in the food processor.
4) Add the toasted pumpkin seeds, lemon juice, salt and cayenne: process.
5) Add the greens and the olive oil, process until smooth.

6) Serve on pasta, grilled vegetables, freezes beautifully as well. And make a perfect meal for your vegan friends :-)

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