Monday, January 13, 2014

My Goals for 2014...

Since January is not even halfway over, it's still legal to post about my "goals" for 2014.

I am not one to make resolutions or goals for myself personally...
There are a few things I want to accomplish this year related to this food blog.
Public humiliation is a good way to motivate, right ??

So here is my list, in no particular order.

1) Learn to use the pressure cooker (that has never come out of its box), without any explosions in the kitchen. I have a mild horror inherited from my mother about exploding pressure cookers.

2) Post about making your own household cleaners. We have been doing this for years and I have been meaning to post about it. They are cheaper and very easy to make.

3) Master the delicate art of pie crust (without using Crisco). Pie crust is one of my weak areas as a cook. This year I plan to change that !!

4) Learn to make my own tortillas using the press I found this last weekend at a yard sale. I know, I is painfully easy from what I have seen. I just need to do it !!

5) Explore the world of spƤtzle. Enough said.

6) Use all the dried beans in my pantry, with help from # 1

7) Grow rhubarb and horseradish and post about them. Both are currently in the ground, so at least I have gotten that far.

8) Post about making your own bath and body products. Something else I have been doing for years, time to share.

9) Make my own tahini ( sesame butter). I hear its very easy.

10) Hmmm, it seemed like I had a lot more when I was thinking these up and of course, I didn't write them down. To be continued....


  1. Love it! God do I need to use my dried beans. And... this week you shall learn the intricacies and ease of the pressure cooker. In all my years of using one I've only had one mishap and I was a new mother of a baby trying to get something made for a potluck, sleep deprived and anxious, so who the heck knows whether I even got the lid on right! Let's do this thing, Laurie.

  2. In re your #1. I too inherited that fear from our mother. But, after doing my fifth or sixth batch of fish, the fear was gone. All it takes is reading the directions very carefully each time and a little experience with the canner. Good luck with #3. Butter works well :-), and EK swears by lard. Personally, I'm stocking up on Crisco. If you have found the tortilla press (#4), I'll stop looking for one for you at the garage sales.

    1. I was referring to a pressure cooker, not a pressure canner, although they can both explode !! Pressure canning is other scary subject !!
      Thanks for the well wishes with # 3.
      Yes, you can stop looking for tortilla presses.
