Monday, August 27, 2012

Tomato Season !!

I just bought these beautiful yellow organic tomatoes at my farmer's market this morning.
I already have a pan in the oven to make my fabulous and easy roasted tomato sauce.

I will make tomato juice out of some. If you haven't had homemade tomato juice, you don't know what you are missing. It's so easy. We love that there is no peeling involved !! Here is the recipe.

1) Core and cut your tomatoes into halves or quarters.

2) Bring the tomatoes to a gentle boil in a large pot, stirring often in the beginning to prevent burning. Simmer about 20-30 minutes depending on how many tomatoes you are cooking. The tomatoes should be soft.

3) Now it's time to extract the juice and leave the skin and seeds behind. There are several ways to do this. You may use a chinoise.
Or a food mill.
Or even a large strainer and a spoon.
Since I have a chinoise I used that. It works like a dream.

4) Once you have actually made the juice you have several options. A) You may refrigerate it and drink it within two weeks. B) You may can it, following safe canning procedures.
or C) Freeze it in jars or freezer bags like I do.

5) Treat friends or house guests with a glass of homemade tomato juice.


  1. As noted in "Putting Foods By" (by Hertzberg, Vaughn, and Greene), when doing canned tomato juice, everything must be handled very carefully--with the most sanitary procedures. Otherwise the canned juice is prone to nasty flat-sour spoilage.

    1. Yes, thanks for the reference. That is why I prefer to freeze it.
