Monday, March 31, 2014

Paris: Day 5, lots of things to do.

Today started with the discovery that our computer charger had died of natural causes: old age. Genna found that there was an Apple store near the Louvre. We decided to combine this errand with several other things we wanted to do. We marched off in the correct direction to end up at the weekly bird market on Ile de la Cite...only to be sidelined by a very charismatic crepe vendor near Blvd. St Germain. We are only going to buy a croissant for the road but each ended up ordered a crepe. Actually a galette, which is what you call a crepe when it is savory and made of buckwheat flour. I had one with smoked salmon and fresh creme, Bob had egg and cheese and Genna had mushrooms, tomatoes and cheese.
 Cute little glasses of espresso for Bob and Genna. She pronounced it the best she had ever had,

We enjoyed a stroll through the bird market with it's colorful fare.
 And occasionally exotic creature for sale. This chinchilla was bored by the whole thing and decided to nap.

Since we were so close, we decided to see if there was a line over at Ste Chapelle.

You can see from this photo that part of the church and the  windows are being restored.
Since we able to walk right in, we did.

The lower story.
One of the upper windows

The floor tiles were amazing.

Genna faces off with a scary griffin.
 We enjoyed our time at Ste Chapelle, but weren't quite done with churches yet. In doing some research before the trip I found several larger churches I had no memory of visiting.
One such church was right behind the Louvre on our way.

St. Germain Auxerrois has three different kinds of architecture, Roman, Gothic and Renaissance.

We spent almost as much time admiring the outside as we did the inside.

 This depiction of Mary Magdalene was repeated several times throughout the church. She has very long wavy hair, no clothing to speak of except the "apron" in front and is always holding a handful of bread loaves.

Just outside the church was a tiny little park with beautiful flowers in full bloom.

Leaving this peaceful place we charged down the very busy Rue de Rivoli in search of the Apple. We had no exact address but finally were told it was under the Louvre ???
Yes, indeed, since our last visit they have constructed a HUGE shopping mall under the Louvre.

We found the Parisian Apple guys VERY kind, polite, fast and helpful.
Our mission  accomplished, we went in search of food...outside in the Tuilleries Garden.

We shared a "sandweech jambon crudite"
and a lemon cake.

After lunch and since it was Sunday we found chairs around one of the smaller fountains in the gardens, joining the throngs of Parisians who were doing the same thing.

Genna and I wrote postcards and Bob napped.

Our walk back to our flat was through a maze of interesting small streets.
We chanced upon this bizarre centaur.

And these adorable chickens that hold your plastic bags.
Finally back on our home turf we sat for a while to watch our favorite group play boules.

Dinner was a salad, leftover roasted chicken and pasta with garlic, pure pleasure.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are having a good time. Such great updates. Please keep them coming!
